Frequently Asked Questions

If you have questions about your gift or tax credits that are not addressed here, please contact

What is a designated gift?
Mile High United Way is proud to promote philanthropy and honored to provide the service of facilitating donor gifts to other charitable organizations. When that gift is directed to a program or organization outside of Mile High United Way Community Impact Fund or one of our direct service programs, it is considered a designated gift. Donors can designate contributions to any valid 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Does Mile High United Way have a processing fee for designated contributions?
As of July 1, 2021, Mile High United Way no longer charges processing fees. Every dollar you donate goes directly to your designated charities and programs.

Is there a minimum to give?
A gift of any amount to Mile High United Way's Community Impact Fund or Direct service programs (such as the 2-1-1 Help Center) makes an incredible impact on our work. If a donor chooses to designate their gift to another 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, there is a $24 one-time gift or $2/month minimum. Any gifts less than $24 will be allocated to Mile High United Way's Community Impact Fund.

Which nonprofits can I give to? And can I give to more than one nonprofit?
You can give to one or multiple nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization(s) in the US that the IRS designates as able to receive charitable donations. Gifts to other nonprofits are subject to a minimum donation of $2 per paycheck per organization, or a one-time gift of $24 per organizations. Gifts less than this amount will be directed to Mile High United Way’s Community Impact Fund.

When does payroll deduction start?
For campaigns running in the fall, payroll deduction typically begins January 1st of the calendar year following your campaign.

If I donate to a nonprofit, when will they receive my gift?
Contact your company’s campaign leader to find out when your company will distribute funds to Mile High United Way. After we receive funds, Mile High United Way distributes money to donor-designated organizations once each month, when the total gifts reach or exceed $250. Organizations receiving gifts that are under $250 will receive funds when the minimum is reached or semi-annually in January and June, whichever comes first.

When will I get a tax receipt?
Tax receipts for all gifts made throughout the year totaling $250 or more will be emailed the last week of January for the preceding tax year. Please note, however, that receipts for payroll donations may arrive later, pending receipt of your final payroll donations from your company.  If you prefer not to wait, a year-end paystub or Form W-2 showing your annual contribution can instead be used to satisfy IRS requirements for claiming charitable contributions.

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